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Best Irish language Spelling and Grammar Games - Na Cluichí Gaeilge is Fearr

Irish spelling and grammar can be fun sometimes - honest!

Here's my video overview of what I think is one of the best Irish language games series... 

Seo na cluichí Gaeilge is fearr dar liom...

Designed for primary school children, the Séideán Sí website has lots of language games that are fun for people of all ages - including students studying to become primary school teachers.

Let me know what other Irish language computer games you like most in the comments or by email at




  • Hi @Raphael, That’s interesting… can’t say I’ve noticed that issue myself… I wonder is it to do with the dialect of the voice over artist? – Diarmaid

    Diarmaid Mac Mathúna
  • Just listen to the guy saying the words! Listen to ‘liathróid! Just as well there’s a picture! How are the kids going to learn Gaeilge from him?

    Raphael Darcy

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