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How to do the Foclach Game - 3 Tips for the Irish Wordle

The popularity of the Foclach game (the Irish Wordle) really has taken everyone by surprise.

It now has 20,000 daily users. Tá beagnach 20,000 duine á imirt gach lá.

Here are my top 3 tips for how to do the Foclach word game...



And here's a direct link to the Foclach website: 

What are your tips for doing Foclach? What's your own favourite seed word? Let me know in the comments... Inis dom anseo...



  • Go raibh maith agaibh as na moltaí ar fad!

    Diarmaid Mac Mathúna
  • Is maith liom DEARG

    Deirdre Bradley
  • My favourite seed words are
    Uisce or ceoil

  • Is cainnteoir dúchais mé agus is minic a thagann focal ná chuala riamh! M sh.deofa.? Líomh.?deoin.?fócas? Focail nua chumtha?? Caighdeán?

    Máire Uí Fhaoláin
  • Inné, bhí 140 gan briseadh agam. Ach inniu…! xxexxn agus gan ach 2 líne fágtha. Aon chabhair le fáil? Le buíochas.


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