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How to Learn Irish with Rugby (or ANY Sport)

One of the great ways that we can build our confidence about speaking Irish and writing Irish is through sport.

It's a really handy way to not only learn a bit of Irish in general terms but also to enrich our vocabulary. 

I wanted to show you how to do that using in a really unconventional way that is almost a hack.

It's one of my favourite ways to enrich the type of Irish I use around a particular topic.

So here's how to learn Irish using Rugby or ANY sport to enrich your vocabulary using my Reverse Search hack on 


Let me know in the comments if you've any other tips around enriching your Irish vocabulary...

Agus an tseachtain seo, cuir peann le pár agus méar le méarchlár! :)



  • @Máire – go raibh míle maith agat! 😊

  • Rinne mé ais-innealtóireacht inniu. Is fear chliste thú! ag smaoineamh taobh amuigh den bhosca!


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