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How to stop Word changing "i" to "I" in Irish

One of the most frustrating things about typing in Irish in Microsoft Word is that it keeps changing a lower case "i" to an uppercase "I" automatically. But there's an easy solution.

It can really break your flow when you're typing when this happens. Worse still all those capital I's have a habit of sneaking into final documents which just look like lots of silly typos.

I used to struggle with this a lot until a few years ago when I realised how easy it was to fix...

Check out my video to see how to fix this in less than 2 minutes:


Here's a step-by-step guide for Microsoft Word for Windows:

1. Go up to the File menu inside Microsoft Word

2. Select Options > Proofing > AutoCorrect Options 

3. Click in the box marked Replace and type a lowercase "i" in that box

4. Select the line in the list showing a lowercase "i" will be replaced with an uppercase "I"

5. Click on Delete 

6. Click on OK and then OK again to close the windows.


Hope you find this tip useful!

Go raibh maith agat,





  • Maith thú!!! Grma

  • @Paula Barry: Fáilte romhat!

  • Iontach! Athróidh mé sin láithreach. Míle B.

    Paula Barry
  • @John Meehan: Fáilte romhat John, seo ceann úsáideach ceart go leor!

  • Sin leid an-mhaith a Dhiarmaid agus beidh sé ina chuidiú mhór dom fosta. Grma

    John Meehan

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