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Irish Names: Focus on the Top 10 Irish Boy Names

I've just published my latest video which is the first of our series looking at Irish names. This one gives a quick summary of the official Top 10 Irish boy names including spellings, meanings and pronunciations. As you can imagine having a name like mine leads to many questions about how to pronounce Diarmaid Mac Mathúna and makes this topic of great interest to me.

It turns out that it's Irish baby names that are among some of the most searched for Irish spellings on the web. No wonder with people like Saoirse Ronan making putting hard to spell Irish names in the spotlight!

The Top 10 Irish boy names are...

1. James

2. Jack

3. Conor

4. Daniel

5. Seán

6. Noah

7. Adam

8. Oisín

9. Michael

10. Luke

For more Irish names information and spelling tips sign up to our newsletter and keep an eye on this blog.

Source: As of January 2018, this latest official Irish Government CSO Irish name information covers 2016 and is available at

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