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UNBOXING the New English-Irish Dictionary... FÍSEÁN NUA

My copy of the new Concise English-Irish dictionary arrived in the post in a massive box.

So I thought I'd make an unboxing video about it.

Cén Ghaeilge a chuirfeá ar unboxing? Díbhoscáil?

This might just be the world's first ever dictionary unboxing video... in any language. It might also be the most ridiculous video I've posted yet.

Watch the video now and make your own mind up...


Have you gotten your copy of the dictionary yet? Or are you going to stick with the online version? Let me know in the comments or message me directly via email at or on Twitter at @CruinneogAnseo.



  • @Cioth, cosnaíonn sé €30 + postas ón Siopa Leabhar (

  • Cen praghas ata air?

    Cioth Mac Conraoi

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